
The Florida House Creates A “Select Committee on Security”

September 24, 2001
Source: Representative Tom Feeney, Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives

Today, House Speaker Tom Feeney unveiled the creation of a House “Select Committee on Security”. The committee’s purpose will be to study and make recommendations regarding the safety and protection of Florida’s citizens and visitors.

“The tragedies of September 11th have prompted a nationwide effort to improve security measures, and it is important that the House of Representatives is equipped with the most current knowledge and technological information on anti-terrorism available. Florida’s crime rate is down dramatically, its citizens safer than ever, and its law enforcement community is first rate. The legislature will assist and support them in any way possible during this unprecedented situation,” said House Speaker Tom Feeney.

Representative Dudley Goodlette (R-Naples) will serve as the Chairman of the House Select Committee on Security, and Representative Dan Gelber (D-Miami Beach) will serve as the Vice Chairman. Representatives Ball, Bense, Bullard, Cantens, Cusack, Green, Hart, Macheck, Rubio and Sorenson will participate as the committee members.

Chairman Goodlette served in the US Army Reserves in Military Intelligence from 1970 – 1985 and retired as a captain. Vice Chairman Gelber served as Chief Counsel to former US Senator Sam Nunn and Staff Director to the Senate’s Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations from 1994 – 1996.

“Florida’s presence as the 4th largest state in the United States, along with it’s tremendous draw for the tourism industry, certainly prompts a necessity to ensure the safety of our state against terrorist assault. The federal government has created an aggressive campaign to secure our county, and it is our intent to ensure that Florida is at the forefront of assisting that campaign and maintaining Florida’s safety. This committee will coordinate a top to bottom review of state statutes and regulations that may be modified to upgrade state of the art security throughout Florida,” said House Speaker Tom Feeney.

The committee shall be of continuing existence through the remainder of the legislative term.