Government is full of people who have never run a business, turned a profit, or met a payroll. And that’s why Associated Industries of Florida (AIF) exists.
Whenever politicians and bureaucrats gather, AIF is there to protect your business against new laws and regulations that stifle the energy and creativity of the free market. AIF minds your business in the state capital so that you can concentrate on providing the services and producing the goods that Floridians want and need.
AIF provides you with all the support and the tools you need to defend yourself against overzealous lawmakers and regulators. You choose how much you want to participate. You may decide to take part in developing AIF’s positions on the issues and then recommending the solutions, or you can simply let our advocacy team defend your interests.
This site is your guide to the opportunities offered to the members of Associated Industries of Florida.
For over 100 years, AIF has pursued a pro-business agenda based on our members’ recommendations. Our every move is calculated to promote the well-being and common interest of Florida business and industry on issues relating to Energy, Environment, Growth Management, Health Care, Insurance, Labor, Legal, Taxation, and other matters of concern to the business community.
AIF’s efforts begin with the recruitment and support of quality candidates who understand the complexities of Florida’s business issues and once elected will support and sponsor business friendly initiatives. AIF’s Political Operations Division includes the Political Council providing invaluable research, analysis and education on Florida’s political climate, as well as the AIF Political Action Committee (AIFPAC), which makes campaign contributions to pro-business candidates.
Once candidates are elected to the Legislature, AIF’s Governmental Affairs work is carried out through an eminent team of staff lobbyists and governmental affairs consultants who possess real-world knowledge of the challenges business people face and experience in achieving solutions through the political process.
The AIF Advocacy Team networks with the corporate and association lobbyists employed by member companies as well as other member representatives serving on AIF's committees, to share information on general business and industry-specific issues, allowing the business community to work together more effectively and present a united front on business issues.
A major component of any successful campaign is getting the message out. Similarly, AIF promotes business issues through a variety of media. Education of legislators, regulators, candidates, and the business community is integral to both our political and legislative efforts. AIF’s communications alert you to the issues being addressed before they become law, giving you the opportunity to communicate your concerns to your elected representatives.
AIF also provides a warehouse of information on its website, providing a current and historical perspective of the issues and the players involved.
In summary, AIF enables the business community to pool its resources and tackle the hard issues that would be difficult for a single business or industry to undertake, whether due to public relations, financial, or other considerations.
In 1920, our founders recognized the limitations of their individual efforts to effectively represent their interests; therefore, they organized Associated Industries of Florida with the mission:
We take our mission seriously. It's the sole reason Associated Industries of Florida was created, and everything we do is geared toward supporting this mission, which is why AIF has become known as “The Voice of Florida Business.”