
Statement By Governor Jeb Bush Regarding Revenue Estimating Conference

March 8, 2002
Source: The Executive Office of the Governor

"State economists today projected a significant surplus in the amount of tax revenues now available to appropriate in this year’s budget. Today’s estimate gives the Legislature an additional $643.9 million more than I was able to propose in my budget released earlier this year. This increased revenue is due to Florida’s strengthening economy and our growing job base.

"The new revenue should allow the House and Senate to come together and produce a consensus budget that responsibly funds Florida’s priorities including education and health and human services programs such as services for the developmentally disabled and a new prescription drug program for low income elders.

"The recovering economy is welcome news to our state leaders. We recognized the need to quickly address the negative impacts of September 11 on Florida’s business climate and took a number of actions to help stimulate our economy and get people back to work. Our efforts are paying off. I am fully confident that with this surplus revenue and a continued rebounding of the economy, we can meet our priority needs without raising the taxes of the state’s hardworking citizens."