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Statement By:
Barney Bishop III, President and CEO, Associated Industries of Florida

Regarding PSC Decision on Proposed Glades Power Park

June 8, 2007

TALLAHASSEE —“Associated Industries is shocked and disappointed at the action taken by the Florida PSC today in denying FPL's petition for the proposed Glades Power Park.

AIF intervened on behalf of FPL because this state’s business community needs diverse fuel resources, reliable energy generation and stability in the marketplace. Our continued dependence on natural gas puts citizens and businesses alike at the mercy of a highly volatile oil market that is conditioned on a variety of risky factors, such as foreign governments and inadequate infrastructure.

Florida's population and economy continues to grow at rates far greater than most other states. For this success and prosperity to continue, we must have access to reliable power generation from diverse sources. AIF applauds FPL for its demonstrated commitment to the people of this state in trying to bring this enhancement to Florida's power generation base. We will continue to support the innovation and initiative of FPL and others who strive to help meet Florida's future energy needs and insure our great state’s continued success.”