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EPA to Issue One-Month Delay for Florida Nutrients Inland Water Standards

September 29, 2010

Late this afternoon, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has announced a 30-day extension for a final decision on the Florida Inland Water Numeric Nutrients rule from October 15, 2010 to November 14, 2010. With pressure mounting from bipartisan support of U.S. Senators George LeMieux and Bill Nelson, the EPA has announced that It will use the this time to review public input, citing that they have received “over 22,000 comments as a result of two public comment periods and 13 public hearing sessions in the State of Florida.”

AIF would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our members for their hard work and unrelenting dedication in addressing this issue. Due to our collective efforts, we move closer to curtailing the EPA’s arduous approach to imposing clean water standards for Florida.

Members are encouraged to stay tuned as AIF will continue to keep you updated with the latest efforts to address the EPA’s forthcoming proposals.

READ: EPA’s Announcement of the Extension for Florida Nutrients Inland Water Rule
READ: Media Release from U.S. Senator George LeMieux
READ: Media Release from U.S. Senator Bill Nelson to EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson