For Immediate Release
Wednesday, March 11, 2024

Sarah Bascom,
Kristen Grissom,


AIF Highlights Policies Passed During 2024 Legislative Session to Support Florida Businesses

Tallahassee, Fla.—During the 2024 legislative session, the Florida Legislature passed a number of bills championed by the Associated Industries of Florida (AIF) to support Florida job creators and continue to bolster the state’s economy.

“AIF congratulates the Florida Legislature on another productive session and thanks lawmakers for continuing to prioritize policies that support Florida businesses and promote a robust economy,” said Brewster Bevis, president and CEO of AIF. “This session, as we have done for more than 100 years, AIF worked tirelessly to identify issues impacting Florida’s job creators, advocating for those that would help them thrive and pushing back on any that could hinder their success. We are proud to serve as the voice of Florida’s business community and appreciate the Legislature for listening to and addressing their top concerns.”

AIF’s top priorities passed by the Florida Legislature this session include:

  • HB 433 – Employment Regulations: HB 433 was filed as a bill that would preempt local governments from adding additional ordinances relating to workplace heat exposure requirements. It was amended to include preemptions relating to local wage requirements. Employers are already required under OSHA to provide a place of employment that is free from recognized standards including heat. There are clear standards employers must meet and this bill will prevent another level of regulation in this area and an unlevel regulatory playing field. Some local governments have enacted ordinances that require businesses to pay mandated wage rates higher than the minimum wage and meet other employment requirements. HB 433 promotes free market principles and ensures consistency by only recognizing the constitutionally mandated state minimum wage.
  • HB 705 – Public Works Projects: This bill ensures that public works projects that use local funds may not require contractors to pay specific wage rates or provide locally mandated employment benefits. This provision already applies to projects that use state dollars. Some local governments are currently requiring the use of prevailing wage rates in their public works contracts. These requirements can dramatically impact project costs and impact an employer’s flexibility in employment decisions. AIF believes that the state minimum wage requirement and the free market are sufficient to ensure proper wage levels.
  • HB 275 – Offenses Involving Critical Infrastructure: This bill provides for increased penalties for those who “improperly tamper” with anything defined as “critical infrastructure.” Some examples of “critical infrastructure” include electrical power stations, chemical storage facilities, liquid natural gas storage facilities, deep-water ports, or railyards.
  • HB 473 – Cybersecurity Incident Liability: This bill tackles civil liability from the cybersecurity perspective. As businesses, large and small, continue to rely on data and software to effectively service their customers, frivolous litigation has been on the rise following cyberattacks on businesses. The bill sets standards for businesses to follow, so if a breach occurs, they are protected from frivolous litigation. Additionally, the bill creates a structure for companies using consumer data to better protect the data from cyberattacks.

“AIF, on behalf of its members, applauds Senate President Kathleen Passidomo and House Speaker Paul Renner for their leadership over the last two years and their combined efforts to support Florida businesses and keep our state on the path to prosperity,” said Adam Basford, vice president of governmental affairs for AIF. “We would be remiss if we did not also recognize all the other members of the Florida Legislature. Serving our great state takes them away from their own families and businesses for weeks on end, so we thank them for their commitment to this process and all the work they do to ensure our state, its people and its businesses continue to thrive.”

Known as “The Voice of Florida Business” in the Sunshine State, Associated Industries of Florida (AIF) has represented the principles of prosperity and free enterprise before the three branches of state government since 1920. A voluntary association of diversified businesses, AIF was created to foster an economic climate in Florida conducive to the growth, development, and welfare of industry and business and the people of the state.

For more information on AIF, please visit and follow @VoiceofFLBiz.

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