Associated Industries of Florida (AIF) held the 3rd Annual Florida Business Forum in Tallahassee on February 13, 2023. The Forum brought together AIF members, key associations and corporate leaders to discuss tort reform, a significant, on-going threat for all employers due to the current, unfair and burdensome legal environment in Florida. Panel discussions ranged from areas of tort reform such as workers’ compensation, civil justice fairness in healthcare, one-way fees, letters of protection and speculative ‘lawsuiting.’

Industry representatives, lawmakers and business leaders served as panelists, moderators, and speakers to discuss key components of tort reform and how it impacts the business community.

A summary of the key points each speaker and panel brought up during the Forum is available via the button below. This summary will provide a good synopsis of the critical nature of this issue for Florida’s employers.

You may watch videos of the individual panel discussions below.

Welcome & Introduction by Brewster Bevis, President & CEO, AIF

Workers’ Compensation: Proof of Concept

Civil Justice Fairness in Health Care: A Check-Up

One-Way Fees: 3rd & Goal

Real Damages, Real Verdicts

Lions, Tigers, and Billboards:
An Uncommon Perspective on the Common Law

Speculative Lending Lawsuiting


2023 Florida Business Forum Co-Hosts, Partners, & Sponsors