
Task Force on Workers' Compensation Administration Meeting

January 22, 2001

The Task Force on Workers’ Compensation Administration will be meeting next Monday, January 22, 2001, to finalize its recommendations to the governor and legislature.

The decisions of the task force so far have been very positive for the business community, but there are three issues outstanding that are very important for employers.

Please contact the members of the task force and let them know that you support the following recommendations:

  • limit litigation by giving judges of compensation claims the ability to review pay records to determine the average weekly wage without the involvement of attorneys
  • limit litigation by allowing resolution of medical claims of $5,000 or less without getting lawyers involved
  • privatize the workers’ compensation mediation system, which would provide quicker resolution of disputes


A story on the task force’s remaining deliberations

A contact list for the task force members

The executive summary of AIF’s "Workers’ Compensation Reform Act of 2001"