
Jon Shebel Letter on Jodi Chase

May 2, 2001 

The Honorable Tom Feeney
Speaker of the House
Florida House of Representatives
The Capitol, Room 420
402 South Monroe Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399 – 1300

Dear Mr. Speaker:

Many years ago my staff and I observed Jodi Chase lobbying for another business organization in the Florida Legislature. We were immediately impressed by her intellect, tenacity, command of her subject matter and total dedication to her client. Shortly thereafter, we offered Mrs. Chase a position in the lobbying department of Associated Industries of Florida, and a short time thereafter I promoted her to Senior Vice President & General Counsel of Associated Industries of Florida.

During the thirty-two years I have had the pleasure of lobbying before the Florida Legislature on behalf of Associated Industries of Florida, I have known only a few people who reach the level of professional competence and success of Mrs. Chase. I am pleased to say that most of the ones I do know who are her peers in this regard have also been lobbyists for our organization.

Over the years Mrs. Chase has been labeled with various nicknames such as "Chase-In-Your-Face," which nicknames have always been given as a sign of respect for the tremendous efforts she has always put forth on behalf of our clients. There is no doubt that Mrs. Chase is one of the most successful lobbyists working with the Florida Legislature.

The last time I looked the people still had a right to "petition their government," although it appears that at least one member of the Florida House of Representatives does not agree with this right.

As I am sure you are aware, Representative Nancy Argenziano, within the last hour, has engaged in one of the most despicable acts I have ever seen by a member of the legislature. In fact, her actions in delivering a box of human or animal waste (I’m sure she would call it s***) to Mrs. Chase in the rotunda filled with her peers, governmental officials and other citizens of our state is a low rent, immature, indefensible and libelous act of slander. As we are all aware, Representative Argenziano "walks to a different drummer" and is proud of it! Certainly all human beings have the right to express their own individuality as long as it does not insult, injure, embarrass or humiliate another fellow human being. I find the actions by Representative Argenziano directed towards Mrs. Chase to be appalling and I respectfully request that you, as one of the finest Speaker’s of the House ever, take immediate action towards Representative Argenziano for her unforgivable actions towards a citizen of our state and for the embarrassment that she has brought upon the Florida House of Representatives.

I urge you to immediately, and certainly before the end of the day, require Representative Argenziano to stand on the floor of the Florida House of Representatives and offer an apology to Mrs. Chase and to the House for her gross and totally unacceptable actions which have embarrassed Mrs. Chase and the House. In addition, I urge you to take the strongest possible disciplinary actions against Representative Argenziano, and I firmly believe that no matter how strong the actions, they will not be enough.

I am sorry to have to write you with regard to such a matter, but I feel it is my duty and responsibility to Mrs. Chase, who has worked long and hard on behalf of the members of Associated Industries of Florida for many years.

Kindest personal regards.


Jon L. Shebel
President & Chief Executive Officer

cc: Representative Nancy Argenziano, Florida House of Representatives
Members, The Florida Legislature
Capitol Press Corps
Statewide Media

Admonishment Letter From House Speaker Feeney