

April 5, 2001
Source: Representative Tom Feeney, Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives

Today, Speaker Feeney unveiled the online version of the House Priority Budget, which is accessible at: www.houseprioritybudget.com.

“As the House Speaker, I feel it is important that the Legislature produce opportunities for Floridians to participate in and be knowledgeable regarding the legislative process. As the elected branch closest and most accountable to Floridians, we must strive to serve the public needs, and continue to promote an open and transparent government,” stated Speaker Feeney.

The House Priority Budget, which passed the Florida House unanimously Tuesday, includes $16.3 Billion for Health and Human Services, $15.5 Billion for Education, $9.5 Billion for General Government, $8.5 Billion for Transportation and Economic Development, and $3.5 Billion for Criminal Justice.

“Although the Legislature is facing a challenging budget year, we still have been able to deliver on promises made to Florida's citizens. The House has increased funding in education by over three percent, given a $1.3 Billion increase to promote healthy communities, and remained committed to returning tax dollars to our seniors and savers,” stated Speaker Feeney.

The online version of the House Priority Budget includes a Speaker's Welcome, Budget Summary, the Appropriations Bill, Agencies, Reports, Frequently Asked Question and other tools to help the public.