
Landmark Workers' Comp Bill Now Law

July 15, 2003

On Tuesday, Governor Jeb Bush visited a construction work site in St. Cloud, Florida to sign into law the comprehensive workers’ comp bill enacted by the Florida Legislature during Special Session A.

For the past six years, the business community has been urging the Legislature to wring attorney-driven inefficiencies out of the workers’ comp system. Under the leadership of Mary Ann Stiles, Esquire, the business community was galvanized into a force that would not be denied relief from premiums driven out of control. Stiles, general counsel of Associated Industries of Florida and president & CEO of Stiles, Taylor & Grace, P.A., is widely acknowledged as the one of the leading experts on this issue.

Thanks to Governor Bush, Senate President Jim King (R-Jacksonville), and House Speaker Johnnie Byrd (R-Plant City), Florida now has a new workers’ compensation law that should finally bring equity to this vital system. With a stroke of his pen, Governor Bush has helped bring lower rates to Florida’s employers.

Governor’s Press Release

The Who, What, When & Where of the 2003 Workers' Compensation Bill
by Jon L. Shebel, President & CEO - Associated Industries of Florida

Piece by piece summary of the provisions of the bill
By Mary Ann Stiles, Esq,
General Counsel Associated Industries of Florida and President & CEO, Stiles, Taylor & Grace

Copy of the final bill