
Latest Draft Version of Rep. Brown's Guiding Principles

November 30, 2006

Attached you will find a draft version of Rep. Don Brown’s Guiding Principles as edited by Gerald Wester.

The changes include the addition of a “new” # 1 principle which essentially says that legislators should “tell the truth.” You may recall that this was brought up by John Thrasher during a previous meeting of the Coalition.

In addition, Gerald has edited principle #5 (which is now # 6) to allow for a continued subsidy of vacation and other secondary properties to help meet the concerns of our banking and development industry members.

Please take a moment to review this draft version. We appreciate any input you may have so that the views of the Coalition are reflected in this important document. Please send your comments or suggestions to Barney Bishop as soon as possible.

Representative Brown's Guiding Principles