Associated Industries of Florida Announces 2006 Champions for Business Awards

June 14, 2006

Tallahassee – Governor Jeb Bush is once again among a prestigious group of elected leaders to be selected as “Champions for Business” for 2006 by Associated Industries of Florida (AIF). The “Champion Awards” are presented to leaders who have proven to be strong and forceful advocates of business. They have supported meaningful and often controversial pro- legislation that benefits employers and their workers.

“This year’s Champion class is the largest in AIF history. These sixteen people have worked tirelessly to promote policies that stimulate our economy and encourage business and job growth in Florida,” said AIF president, Barney Bishop. “They have been willing to take a firm stand on the tough issues, even when the opposition is fierce.”

View Champions for Business Award Winners

“AIF is proud to honor Governor Bush and these fifteen legislators who are strong and forceful advocates for the business community. They are the epitome of what a Champion should be, whether they proposed an important bill, authored a key amendment, or toiled behind-the-scenes on an issue that was critical to the business community,” said Bishop.

Several of the 2006 award recipients also received the “Champions for Business” award last year. They include: Governor Bush, Senator Atwater, Speaker Bense, Representative Brown, Representative Brummer and Representative Ross. These men worked alongside the new recipients to spur responsible legislation that will enhance Florida’s business climate.

In addition to the historic abolishment of joint and several liability, other successful legislation this year includes reforms in taxation such as the elimination of the sales tax on machinery and equipment used for manufacturing and the sales tax exemption for fuel and electricity the agriculture community; growth management; affordable housing; energy; eminent domain; economic development efforts; and insurance reforms.