Associated Industries of Florida Releases 2006 Florida Voting Records

June 28, 2006

Tallahassee – Support is rising for statewide business initiatives that boost job growth and the economic climate in Florida, according to the 2006 Voting Records released by Associated Industries of Florida (AIF). The AIF Voting Records has annually ranked the Florida Legislature on business issues for almost thirty years. Calculating more than 13,000 votes by legislators on 132 bills, this year’s publication is the most extensive to date. The annual publication sets the standard for voting record reports, providing Florida’s business community and elected leaders with a detailed analysis of member votes on the issues that greatly impact businesses, employers and the economy.

“AIF is proud to once again publish the Voting Records report which tabulates the voting performance of every legislative member on issues of great importance to the business community,” said AIF president and chief executive officer Barney Bishop. “Our goal is to promote legislative issues that promote the state’s economic vitality and support members who are committed to making Florida a more business-friendly state.”

According to the 2006 Voting Records, 8 senators scored a 97% for business legislation, while 33 representatives voted 100% pro-business. The Florida Senate pro-business votes rose slightly from 90% to 92% and the House voted 95% in pro-business initiatives, up from last year’s score of 88%. The overall combined score is 93.5%, revealing an increase from last year’s support of 89%.

This year, more Democrat members supported pro-business legislation, increasing 16% over last year. AIF specifically commended two Democratic South Florida legislators, Senator Larcenia Bullard of Miami and Senator Mandy Dawson of Ft. Lauderdale, who cast votes of courage on an amendment to the hotly contested bill repealing joint and several liability, the priority business issue of this year’s session.

“Sen. Dawson and Sen. Bullard could easily have chosen the comfortable route. Instead, they chose to follow their principles, voting on the side of what were right for them and their constituents. Because of one vote, both should be remembered by the business community for their courage and keeping their word when it counted,” said Bishop.

A complete listing of the Voting Records is available on-line.