Save Our Constitution Wins Round in Court Over State’s New Revocation Law

November 27, 2007

Revocation group pushes forward with fight to protect beauty and economy of State

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Leaders of Save Our Constitution (SOC), applaud today’s court ruling upholding the state’s new revocation statute. SOC is the state’s only organization actively involved in revoking signatures from the Hometown Democracy petition effort.

SOC intervened in the court proceeding to support the signature revocation law that allows Floridians to retract their support of Hometown Democracy. Under the provision, which received Governor Crist’s signature this summer, voters have 150 days to sign a revocation form notifying the Supervisor of Elections of their decision.

Hometown Democracy organizers challenged the revocation law claiming it is unconstitutional. Today’s Leon County Circuit Court opinion leaves the path clear for SOC advocates to continue with their successful signature revocation efforts.

The court challenge was a desperate legal maneuver by the leaders of Hometown Democracy who want to quash the will of the people,” said Barney Bishop, chair of SOC. “We’re extremely pleased the court has recognized that the right to revoke is essential, especially in light of the tactics of the Hometown Democracy group and its mercenary signature-gatherers. We’ve determined that very few voters actually knew what they signed and are anxious to revoke when they realized what this anti-Florida amendment would really do.”

In upholding the constitutionality of the provision, Chief Judge Charles Francis concurred with the Attorney General and SOC in determining that revocation is an important part of the initiative process.

“The initiative process is based on the knowledgeable voter who intentionally signs a petition to place something on the ballot,” said John French, general council for SOC. “Revocation is the only way to insure that a voter is both knowing and willing.”

“We recognize that this is only the first step in the judicial process, but it is a big step,” said John Thrasher, co-chair of Save Our Constitution. “This ruling ratifies both the validity and the very necessity of the signature revocation process, if the will of Florida’s voters is truly to be known.”

Paid political advertisement paid for by Save Our Constitution, Inc.
5730 Corporate Way, Suite 214, West Palm Beach, FL 33407