FDLE Launches New Domestic Security Alert Notification System for Florida Businesses

May 7, 2008

BusinesSafe provides businesses with important and timely domestic security information

Florida Department of Law Enforcement Commissioner (FDLE) Gerald Bailey, in conjunction with Florida’s Regional Domestic Security Task Forces and business partners, today unveiled a new alert system designed to bolster the ability of Florida’s businesses to protect themselves and their communities against potential threats. BusinesSafe, a counter-terrorism program created by FDLE, allows businesses statewide to register to receive timely electronic alerts on domestic security-related issues affecting their industry.

BusinesSafe creates a two-way communication highway that can be accessed and traveled by every single business in Florida,” said FDLE Commissioner Gerald Bailey. “With the click of a mouse, we can directly connect with businesses ranging from restaurants to retailers to service industry providers.”

The Web-based initiative also provides businesses with sector specific safety tips that highlight ways to identify suspicious activity and better protect assets. Businesses are encouraged to pass on unusual activity through BusinesSafe’s online reporting form.

To help reach the state’s business community, FDLE is working in conjunction with private sector representatives on the state’s Regional Domestic Security Task Forces and some of Florida’s major business associations. FDLE is also partnering with the Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR) and the Department of State (DOS) who between them incorporate, license or regulate hundreds of thousands of Florida businesses.

“We are excited to partner with FDLE on this program, which will allow our business licensees to help keep Floridians safe,” said DBPR Interim Secretary Chuck Drago. “We are committed to promoting this resource by encouraging DBPR licensees to register with BusinesSafe.”

“We are proud to be a part of this effort to get timely alerts to Florida businesses on security issues,” said Kurt Browning, Florida Secretary of State. “FDLE has done a great job of creating an effective system to keep businesses aware of security news as well as give businesses a way to get information back to FDLE regarding suspicious activity.”

"The Florida Chamber represents more than 139,000 employers and we encourage all of them to engage in this system to make our business community safer and smarter," said Mark Wilson, president and CEO of the Florida Chamber of Commerce.

“Associated Industries of Florida is proud to be a business participant with FDLE on this important project. This is a golden opportunity for Florida’s business sector to play a vital and important role in getting timely and accurate information out to our employees and customers,” said AIF President and CEO Barney Bishop. “Our willingness to be a conduit for alerts and other critical information in the name of domestic security is the least that we can do to protect our homeland. We stand ready to assist in any way possible. We applaud FDLE for recognizing this need and reaching out to private enterprise which can play a significant role.”

“Florida United Businesses Association (FUBA) is looking forward to teaming up with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement in an effort to alert the business community to potential threats to our state,” said Lance Lozano Chief Operating Officer for FUBA. “We are proud that FUBA members will be some of the first participants in the BusinesSafe program in Florida”

BusinesSafe is accessible to businesses of all types and sizes. Alerts will be sent on an as needed basis and will include domestic security-related breaking news, possible threats, suspicious activity, and specific preparedness and prevention techniques. BusinesSafe is available at no charge to businesses or individuals.

Following the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, Florida established seven Regional Domestic Security Task Forces (RDSTF) to prevent, investigate, and respond to terrorist attacks. Each RDSTF includes partners from law enforcement, emergency management, fire/rescue, health, education, communication officials, and representatives from the private sector.

To learn more about BusinesSafe or to sign up for the alerts, businesses are encouraged to visit FDLE’s Web site, www.fdle.state.fl.us and click on the “BusinesSafe” icon.

For Further Information Contact:
Heather Smith or Kristen Perezluha
FDLE Office of Public Information
(850) 410-7001