Statement on AIF’s Endorsements

November 5, 2008

The business community was the winner on Election Day, November 4, 2008.

Throughout the summer, members of AIF’s Political Council (AIFPC) traveled to 6 cities around the state, interviewing candidates and speaking with incumbents on the issues facing Florida’s businesses. Taking that information into consideration along with incumbent’s voting records, AIF, AIF Political Action Committee (AIFPAC), and the AIF Information Technology Political Action Committee (AIF IT PAC) provided endorsements and contributions to candidates and incumbents statewide.

AIF and its entities endorsed thirteen of yesterday’s Senate elections and was 100% correct in its predictions. In the Florida House, 97% of the endorsed candidates have won their elections. Two races are still too close to call, and we will keep you updated once the results are finalized.

Further, for the first time AIF endorsed federal candidates and offered 18 endorsements to the Congressional candidates. Eighty-nine percent of the endorsed candidates won their election. Only two races were lost - CD8 Ric Keller and CD 24 Tom Feeney. Both were predicted losses, however both candidates were still well deserving of an endorsement.