Barney Bishop, Chair of Save Our Constitution: On Secretary of State’s Confirmation that Hometown Democracy Fails to Make 2008 Ballot

February 4, 2008

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – “Florida Secretary of State Kurt Browning tonight has confirmed what Save Our Constitution organizers determined earlier this week – the Hometown Democracy Amendment has not met the threshold of verified signatures or congressional districts to get on the 2008 ballot. We’re gratified that enough Floridians saw through this terrible amendment, despite the continuous misrepresentations by the Hometown Democracy team. We know from thorough analysis, that the crux of this failure is a result of the group’s extraordinarily high petition signature invalidation rate.”

“This is the third time Lesley Blackner and her anti-growth fanatics have failed to deliver on this bad amendment which attempts to turn back the clock on Florida’s growth and prosperity, in lieu of responsible planning. Floridians, like all Americans, cherish their private property rights and refuse to allow this amendment to ever dictate what they can do with their own property. We are proud of the role we played in keeping them off the ballot this year.”

I’d say this qualifies as three strikes, you’re out! But we know they’ll be back – and so will Save Our Constitution. We have the will, the organization, and the proven tool of the revocation process to thwart their misguided efforts in the future just like we did this year. We will never allow Hometown Democracy to achieve the number of congressional districts they need to get on any Florida ballot.”