2008 Economic Stimulus Package

January 10, 2008

On Tuesday, January 8th 16 other business associations joined Associated Industries of Florida in support of an “Economic Stimulus Package” designed to kick-start Florida’s economy. The package was unveiled at a meeting of the House Policy and Budget Council. The package, which contains eight different recommendations, is designed to help Florida position itself for success during these difficult economic times. The recommendations are anchored around one-time infrastructure investments in roads, water projects, schools, affordable housing, and ports. The package also encourages the Legislature to expand investments in Florida’s research institutions, its space program, and marketing for domestic and international tourism.

Below you will find links to the plan itself, several news articles on the subject and to a page on our website that has video clips of the testimony from the House Policy and Budget Committee.

Economic Stimulus Package

“Cutting verses Investing” (Tallahassee Democrat Article – Jan. 10th)

Business groups ask House for economic stimulus package (Tallahassee Democrat Article - Jan. 9th)