Guns in the Workplace Legislation Upheld by Courts

July 29, 2008

Today, U.S. District Court Judge Robert L. Hinkle upheld Florida’s recently passed Guns in the Workplace legislation, but only as it applies to employees. A preliminary injunction was granted that will prevent the law from being enforced as it applies to customers or visitors to a business.

In June, business groups filed a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of law. As signed by the Governor, HB 503 prohibits employers from restricting employees, who hold a valid concealed weapon permit, from keeping their gun locked inside a car. The bill also prevents an employer from searching an employee’s vehicle (unless a law enforcement officer is present) or from firing an employee on the basis that he or she posses a firearm in their vehicle.

Business groups are currently considering the best way to respond to Judge Hinkle’s ruling. It is possible that additional legislative action may be required on this issue. AIF will keep our members informed on how to comply with this confusing legislation as more information is made available.

View a copy of the Judge’s ruling