AIF Poll on Energy Issues

August 28, 2008

AIF recently conducted a statewide poll of 600 likely voters in Florida on August 17-18, 2008. Among the various issues polled, energy issues was a big part of questions asked. Below are some results from this poll on general energy issues.

Methodology: This survey of 600 likely voters in Florida was conducted on August 17-18, 2008. All interviews were conducted via telephone by professional interviewers. Interview selection was random within predetermined election units. These units were structured to correlate with actual voter turnout. The survey of 600 likely voters has an accuracy of +/- 4.0% at the 95% confidence interval. The results in this summary have been rounded.

Summary: Regarding the issue of energy in Florida, the plurality (30%) says the most important issue is energy affordability followed by energy independence (23%), energy conservation (17%), energy’s environmental impact (17%) and energy reliability (9%). The pocketbook issue of energy affordability is a top issue across the board. In regards to party registration, the issue of energy independence spikes among Republicans. The importance of energy conservation and its environmental impact increase among Independents. The opinions of Democrats are similar to the opinions of the total electorate. Concerning race, the issues of energy conservation and its environment impact become higher priorities among African-Americans. Among Hispanics, the issues of affordability, independence and conservation are equally important. The opinions of White voters are more or less the same as the opinion of all voters. Regarding age, the issue of affordability is more important among voters under the age of 55 than over the age of 55. Energy affordability and independence are equally important among voters over the age of 55. Relatively speaking, there isn’t much of a gender difference except the importance of energy’s environmental impact increases among men while among women energy conservation is more important.

Regarding the issue of energy in Florida, which one of the following issues is most important to you?
1. Energy affordability 2. Energy’s environmental impact 3. Energy reliability 4. Energy independence 5. Energy conservation

Total Rep Dem Ind White Afr-Am Hisp Under
Men Women
Affordability 30 31 31 27 30 38 25 36 26 32 29
Independence 23 31 19 12 24 12 25 21 25 23 23
Conservation 17 11 20 23 15 23 24 15 17 13 20
Enviro Impact 17 13 18 22 16 23 14 21 14 20 14
Reliability 9 10 9 11 11 3 6 6 12 9 9
Don’t Know 4 4 4 6 4 2 6 2 6 3 6


Full Survey Tables