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Statement By:
Barney Bishop III, President and CEO, Associated Industries of Florida

Regarding the Formation of the American Board of Hospital Medicine

January 21, 2009

“On behalf of Associated Industries of Florida (AIF) and our members across Florida, I applaud the American Board of Physician Specialties (ABPS) and its formation of the American Board of Hospital Medicine (ABHM) – North America’s first and only physician specialty board of certification devoted exclusively to hospital medicine.

Hospital medicine is one of the nation’s newest medical specialties and is rapidly expanding. Giving the critical role hospitalists and hospital medicine play in the delivery of healthcare to our citizens, it is important there is a nationally-recognized board of certification dedicated to this specialty. The ABPS establishes high standards for physicians to demonstrate they not only have the appropriate medical education and residency training, but also can demonstrate through ABPS examinations they have the requisite knowledge and skills necessary to practice medicine safely and effectively in their specialty.

Through the formation of the ABHM, medical professionals can work together to ensure the highest levels of quality care are provided, and at the same time, look to increase efficiencies that will ultimately help keep healthcare costs down. A 2007 study released in the New England Journal of Medicine revealed that hospitalists trimmed the average length and cost of patients’ hospital stays.

AIF members throughout the state are working tirelessly on the front lines of the healthcare industry to provide affordable health care options to Floridians. We are pleased to support the ABHM in their efforts to advance medical care in our communities.