
AIF Members Urged to Participate in Senate Hearings

January 15, 2009

As one of his first actions as Senate President, Senator Jeff Atwater (R-North Palm Beach) announced the creation of a Select Committee on Florida’s Economy. The charge of this powerful committee will be to “create incentives and eliminate impediments to recovery and growth and ensure that government functions more simply, more transparently, less expensively, and more effectively.”

Additionally, the Committee has been asked to travel the state and take testimony from business owners, both large and small, on ways to improve Florida’s business climate during these difficult economic times. AIF urges all of its members to take advantage of this unique opportunity to influence policy-making in Tallahassee.

The details on the public hearings are included below and are open to the public. Please contact Jose Gonzalez, AIF Vice President of Government Affairs, at 850-224-7173 or email at jgonzalez@aif.com for more information on these hearings or if you plan to attend. This will allow us to communicate with committee staff and ensure that you will have a spot on the agenda. Also, should you plan on providing testimony, we recommend that you provide your comments in writing to the Committee so that it can be included in the official record.

In addition, we have included a letter from Senate President Atwater and Chairman Don Gaetz (R-Niceville) to business leaders asking for their input in this process.

Senate Select Committee Meetings:

  • Friday, January 16, 2009
    5:00-8:00 p.m.
    Florida Community College Jacksonville
    Downtown Campus: Advanced Technology Center
    101 W. State Street, Jacksonville
    Focus: Actions state and local government should stop doing, start doing, or do differently to promote economic recovery.
  • Wednesday, January 21, 2009
    5:00-8:00 p.m.
    Children’s Services Council of Palm Beach County
    Board Room
    2300 High Ridge Road, Boynton Beach
    Focus: Testimony from venture capital firms and business leaders about how to attract out-of-state businesses to Florida and promote the expansion of existing in-state businesses.
  • Thursday, January 22, 2009
    9:00 a.m.-12:00 noon
    Merrill-Stevens Shipyard
    South Yard
    881 NW 13th Avenue, Miami
    Focus: Opportunities for economic development of waterfronts and expansion of shipyards and ports.