Welcome to the New Website for Asscociated Industries of Florida...The Voice of Florida Business!

2009 Regular Session Wrap-Up

May 11, 2009

The Florida legislature officially adjourned “Sine Die” at 2:57 p.m. last Friday, May 8th after a week-long extension. Stalled budget talks during the last week of session required legislators to meet past the normal 60 days. In the end, both chambers were able to agree on a $66.5 billion budget that relied on a $1 dollar per pack cigarette tax, an expansion of gambling at Seminole Indian casinos and pari-mutuels across the state, as well as significant increases in fees (mainly in the transportation arena).

AIF and its members had a highly-successful session, even in light of the difficult economic crisis facing the state. AIF was able to pass its number one priority, HB 903 Relating to Workers’ Compensation, and defeat a number of anti-business proposals that would have affected your ability to succeed as an employer. AIF has prepared the following 2009 Regular Session Wrap-Up publication as a way to keep our members informed on how the top business issues fared this session.

As always please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns about any of the issues considered during the 2009 Session.

2009 Regular Session Wrap-Up