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Health Care Legislation Awaiting Approval by Governor Crist Could Lead to Higher Health Insurance Premiums

June 8, 2009

Today, Associated Industries of Florida delivered a letter to Governor Charlie Crist urging him to veto SB 1122 Relating to Mandatory Assignment of Benefits. This legislation has the potential to undermine Florida’s Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) networks and increase health care costs for Florida employers, workers, and consumers. Currently, health insurers contract with doctors to create a “network” of doctors who have agreed to reasonable rates for providing medical care. Members of PPO insurance plans are encouraged to visit these doctors to take advantage of lower rates. But if SB 1122 becomes law, doctors who are not members of PPO networks – and have not agreed to reasonable rates for medical care – will be entitled to receive direct payment from a patient’s insurance company in the same way as a doctor who is a network member. This change would increase health care costs for patients across the state by dismantling the preferred provider network that has helped to hold down health care costs for decades, resulting in higher premiums for Florida employers.


Please contact Governor Crist TODAY and request that he VETO SB 1122. A copy of AIF’s letter is included below as a sample of the message that we need to send to Governor Crist. Higher health costs make it harder for businesses to rehire workers, take business risks, or make the investments that are critical to our economic recovery.

SB 1122

AIF Veto Request Letter

Contact Governor Crist