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AIF Releases Special Report on Federal Issues

October 21, 2009

As the 111th Congress begins its work in the new session of Congress, there are several major issues that are in play that could have a major impact on the business community. This special report highlights four of the biggest business issues that, if passed, could have an impact on the business community. They are: Card Check, Health Care Reform, Climate Change and Internet Sales Tax.

This succinct and informative report will provide you with the detailed information you need to see the connection between these issues and your bottom line. The report on each issue provides a description of the issue, the specific bills being followed in Congress, the bottom line fact of the issue, and then the Board-approved AIF position.

While staying on top of the major issues here in Florida is our top priority, keeping an eye on issues brewing in Congress that could impact our members is also important. We hope this report is useful and helpful for you and your company.