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AIF Announces New Councils

November 6, 2009

Associated Industries of Florida is proud to announce the creation of two new councils – the Environmental Sustainability Council (ESC) and the Florida Development & Infrastructure Council (FDIC). The Councils of Associated Industries bring together unique sectors of the business community in order to develop and promote issues vital to those respective industries.

The Environmental Sustainability Council will focus on environmental issues important to the business community such as recycling, water quality, product stewardship, and others. For the upcoming session, the ESC will primarily focus on issues regarding Florida’s statutorily created 75% statewide recycling goal. AIF and its members have been working over the past months, through the AIF Recycling Task Force, developing the business community’s “Plan to Improve Florida’s Recycling Rate and Reduce Waste,” and we envision the ESC furthering this effort as we approach the 2010 session. The Council will be chaired by Michelle Belaire of Wal-Mart. Doug Mann of Littlejohn, Mann & Associates will serve as Vice-Chair and Keyna Cory will serve as the Council’s lobbyist.

Michelle Belaire of Wal-Mart: Florida businesses deal with environmental issues every day in one way or another. AIF has been an active leader on many environmental issues over the years such as alternative water supply funding and the recycling initiative by sharing ideas and pro active solutions on reduction, reuse and recycling. By participating and creating in cost effective recycling programs, Florida can realize an increase its recycling rate and businesses can save money while remaining good stewards of our state's natural resources. This is important endeavor to AIF and it’s members and we invite you to be part of the solution.

The Florida Development & Infrastructure Council’s primary focus will be on issues relating to growth management in Florida as well as aggregate mining, transportation, and other infrastructure issues. The Council will be chaired by Linda Shelley, Esq., of the Fowler White law firm and former Secretary of the Department of Community Affairs. Bill Hunter, President of the Association of Florida Community Developers, will serve as Vice-Chair. AIF Lobby Team members Richard Gentry and Stephen Shiver have been assigned as the lobbyists for this Council.

Linda Shelley, Esq., Fowler White: The ongoing economic downturn has demonstrated Florida’s reliance on growth and development and its impact on all business sectors. We must be willing to address issues of concern to this segment of our economy so that Florida will be in a position to prosper in the future. As a prominent leader for the business community, AIF is in a perfect position to help bring these issues to the forefront of legislative debate.

If you would like to join one or both of these Councils, please use the electronic response form below and you will be automatically added to the distribution list. We will be announcing the Councils’ first meetings in the near future, and we look forward to your participation.