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Statement By:
Barney Bishop III, President and CEO, Associated Industries of Florida

Regarding Rick Scott Winning the Florida Governor’s Race

November 2, 2010

“Today, a new chapter was added to the story of Rick Scott’s American Dream. From humble beginnings to the top of the business world, Governor-elect Scott has accomplished much in his career and, thanks to the voters, now has an opportunity to apply his experience and expertise to a life of public service.

Associated Industries of Florida (AIF) heartily congratulates Rick on his election as Governor of the State of Florida. As the state’s new CEO, he will champion smart fiscal policies that limit regulations on businesses, keep taxes low and reduce unnecessary government spending. He will bring the radical change we need to the Governor’s office and help our state’s sagging economy by putting people back to work through the creation of more private-sector, not government, jobs. A visionary in the health care industry, Rick will continue to fight against Obamacare and crusade for choice, competition and accountability when it comes to health care policies.

More importantly, he knows how to create jobs, how to identify efficiencies that result in cost savings for an organization, and he will appropriately benchmark state agencies so the public will be assured they are getting the best bang for their buck.

Floridians chose the best candidate for the job. It’s time to get to work and AIF looks forward to working with Governor-elect Scott to implement his plan to turn Florida around.”