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Statement By:
Barney Bishop III, President and CEO, Associated Industries of Florida

Regarding Marco Rubio Winning Florida’s U.S. Senate Race

November 2, 2010

“Marco Rubio is a principled, forward-thinking man and, as an elected official, has demonstrated an interest in seeking out new ideas while never compromising the ideals important to the people he represents. This is the kind of leader Florida needs in Washington, D.C., and Associated Industries of Florida (AIF) is very pleased he will be serving as our next U.S. Senator.

Senator-elect Rubio will challenge the establishment by advocating for measures that lower taxes, reduce government spending and oppose unfriendly legislation that constrains businesses’ ability to flourish. He is committed to free-market principles and returning our country to a mode of governance based upon this system.

American businesses have been conserving their dollars because they fear the future and what it may bring. Marco is a beacon of hope to all who believe that a brighter, more secure future will prevail if we implement the correct economic policies.

Marco Rubio is a trusted leader with the experience to serve our state in Congress. AIF and its 10,000+ business members look forward to working closely with him to rejuvenate our economy, reduce our deficit and create a regulatory environment that will be conducive to private job growth.”