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2010 Florida Water Forum

June 11, 2010

This year, Associated Industries of Florida (AIF) partnered with the Florida Section of the American Water Works Association (FS/AWWA) to host the first-annual Florida Water Forum 2010. An overflow crowd of approximately 170 attendees representing local municipalities, industry groups, and businesses were present to watch the major candidates for Governor and Agricultural Commissioner discuss their policies for the future of Florida’s water infrastructure. The Water Forum included participation from Attorney General and Gubernatorial Candidate Bill McCollum; Congressman and Agricultural Commissioner Candidate Adam Putnam, former Tallahassee Mayor and Agricultural Commissioner Candidate Scott Maddox, and former State Representative and Agricultural Commissioner Candidate Rick Minton.

Barney Bishop at 2010 Florida Water ForumBill McCollum at the 2010 Florida ForumAgriculture Commissioner Panel, 2010 Florida Water Forum

Attendees at the Water Forum were also able to meet one-on-one with the candidates during the breaks and at the luncheon.

"The FL Water Forum was “one stop shopping” for many of us who manage water issues to hear from key leaders in Florida about their positions on Florida’s most important resource. " Richard Ghent
Director, Community Affairs
Phosphate Operations
CF Industries, Inc.

The Florida Water Forum 2010 was sponsored by American Water Works Association Utility Council; the American Water Works Association Manufacturers/Associates Council; CF Industries; CH2MHill; The Mosaic Company; and the Florida Beverage Association.

AIF members are encouraged to visit the Florida Water Forum website www.flawaterforum.com to view candidates’ “white papers,” detailing their plans to ensure sustainable water policy in Florida. Also, the website will be updated periodically with information about water issues important to the business community along with a full slide show of conference pictures.

The 2010 Florida Water Forum was taped by The Florida Channel and will air state-wide this summer. The Florida Water Forum will be an annual event. Next year’s Forum will concentrate on legislative issues, especially since Florida will have a new Cabinet and new legislative leaders. The Forum will be an opportunity to educate elected officials about the importance of water to Florida’s economy and life style.