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U.S. Senator LeMieux to sponsor Funding Prohibition for EPA’s NNC Criteria

September 29, 2010

As we approach the homestretch in our efforts to defeat EPA’s implementation of Numeric Nutrient Criteria, Associated Industries of Florida (AIF) is now calling upon all members to reach out and voice their opposition to these onerous & debilitating measures for Florida businesses.

U.S. Senator George LeMieux has filed an amendment to an Appropriations Act that would effectively prohibit the use of funds to promulgate water quality standards for Florida’s lakes and flowing waters. As a vehement opponent to EPA’s proposed rules, Sen. Lemieux understands how these criteria impede our state’s economic recovery, force Florida businesses to cut jobs, and increase costs by billions of dollars for Florida employers, families and consumers; however, as an issue that is exclusive to the concern of Florida’s constituency, the unanimous support of Florida’s Senatorial delegation is critical at this juncture.

To that end, I respectfully request that all members contact Senator Bill Nelson and ask him to support Sen. LeMieux’s amendment request. Your immediate action is vital as this amendment may be heard on the Senate Floor as early as 12 pm this afternoon. His office can be reached at (202) 224-5274 or by email at http://billnelson.senate.gov/contact/email.cfm.

I would like to thank Senators LeMieux & Nelson for their support and effort to address this very important issue for Florida’s citizens.