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Veto Override Session to be Announced

November 3, 2010

On the heels of a Republican sweep of Cabinet offices and veto-proof majorities in the Florida Legislature, sources within House and Senate leadership are indicating that an announcement will be made soon to formally introduce a call for a one-day Special Session on November 16th. This Special Session would follow the traditional Organizational Session ceremonies which are scheduled to begin that same day at 10:00 a.m. Legislative leaders intend to take up an unspecified number of veto overrides of bills passed during the 2010 Regular Session. First and foremost it appears that Republican leaders want to overturn an appropriations veto by Governor Charlie Crist of funds intended for the Shands teaching hospital in Gainesville. We will send out confirmation of the call as soon as it is made available.

In other news, incoming House Speaker Dean Cannon (R-Winter Park) released the new House committee structure today. The new structure includes a return to subcommittees. Of note is the creation of a new “Federal Affairs” Subcommittee. Committee chairs and members have yet to be announced.