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AIF Recognizes Sen. John Thrasher as a 2010 Champion for Business

October 6, 2010

Senator John Thrasher (R-Jacksonville) was recently presented with his 2010 Champion for Business Award from Associated Industries of Florida. AIF President and CEO Barney Bishop and AIF Chair Erika Lorenz Alba traveled to Jacksonville to present the award to Sen. Thrasher, who is being recognized for his outstanding leadership on behalf of Florida’s business community. More specifically, Sen. Thrasher is receiving his first Champion for Business Award for his courage in sponsoring SB 6 – a bold piece of legislation centered on teacher merit pay. By implementing a system in which a teacher’s compensation is based upon student gains, Sen. Thrasher’s proposal creates a more business-like approach to teacher pay and builds a system that allows the best teachers to have a career in the classroom. Despite massive opposition from the unions and a subsequent veto from the Governor, Sen. Thrasher’s efforts have earned him the recognition as a true Champion for Business.

John Thrasher recieves AIF Champions for Business Award