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Statement By:
Barney Bishop III, President and CEO, Associated Industries of Florida

Regarding the House Numeric Nutrient Water Quality Criteria Bill

March 15, 2011

“Associated Industries of Florida thanks Rep. Trudi Williams (R-Ft. Myers) and the members of the House Agriculture and Natural Resources Subcommittee for taking a stand against the punitive water quality criteria the EPA has imposed on our state. With today’s vote, they have moved HB 239 forward and made it clear that Florida does not welcome onerous and expensive mandates from federal bureaucrats.

The EPA’s Numeric Nutrient Criteria standards will have disastrous impacts on Florida’s economy and consumers. Florida families will face an average increase of $700 in their annual water costs. Meanwhile, city and county governments, as well as the business community, will face billions of dollars in added costs. Dollars added to the bottom lines of businesses and other employers mean fewer jobs for Floridians.

It’s nice to know that our Florida legislators are listening and understand the harm this dictate will do, even if the Obama Administration doesn’t.”