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Statement By:
Barney Bishop III, President and CEO, Associated Industries of Florida

Regarding Gov. Rick Scott’s Reappointment of Dr. Akshay "A.K." Desai to the State Board of Education

May 2, 2011

“Dr. Desai’s career and community involvement is the personification of the American Dream and he understands the critical role education – particularly higher education – plays in our students’ future success and the pursuit of their own American Dream. He brings to the State Board of Education the unique perspective of a physician, business executive and father.

During his tenure on the State Board, he has helped guide further reforms and changes to Florida’s public education system that will ensure our students have the tools they need to be to be productive and contributing members of Florida’s workforce. As a businessman, Dr. Desai understands the key challenges facing our education system and we know he is committed to ensuring students will continue to hone their skills so they can be truly competitive in our globalized economy.

Associated Industries of Florida congratulates Dr. Desai and commends Gov. Rick Scott for reappointing this passionate education advocate who will continue to serve our state well on this important board. We look forward to working with him as we carry on the process of evolving Florida's education system.”