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Statement By:
Jose Gonzalez, Vice-President, Governmental Affairs, Associated Industries of Florida

Regarding Governor Scott’s Passage of SB 408

May 17, 2011

“Associated Industries of Florida applauds Governor Scott for signing SB 408 into law and recognizing that we must make incremental steps in order to stabilize Florida’s property insurance market and put it on the path to fiscal responsibility.

We are grateful to Gov. Scott for his leadership and for supporting good, free market reforms and rejecting arguments of special interests like trial lawyers and public adjusters. It is reassuring to know that our top state official understands that by implementing a thoughtful, long-term strategy under SB 408, we can help bring national insurance companies back to the Florida market and begin the process of lowering premiums to consumers.

We should not be requiring all Floridians including businesses, charities, homeowners, churches and automobile policyholders to pay hurricane taxes, we should not be subsidizing million dollar beach homes on Florida’s coast and we should not be going into every hurricane season, hoping for a miracle. SB 408 is just the first step, but we look forward to working with Gov. Scott in the coming years to make the insurance system more fiscally sound.”