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Pro-Business Legislators Honored with AIF Champion for Business Awards

June 17, 2011

TALLAHASSEE – Reflecting a year when a record number of Florida legislators scored perfect or near perfect scores on the annual Associated Industries of Florida (AIF) Voting Records Report, the statewide business association today honored its largest class of Champion for Business award winners. Selected to receive the prestigious 2011 Champion for Business awards are 18 Florida Senators and Representatives. The awards will be formally presented to winners during the Champions for Business ceremony held in conjunction with AIF’s Annual Conference in August.

Following the conclusion of the legislative session, these awards are annually presented to leaders who have proven to be strong and forceful advocates for Florida’s business community. Champions for Business are chosen for their support of meaningful and often controversial pro-business legislation that benefits employers and their workers.

“This was the year for reforms. Lawmakers reviewed, refined and, in some cases, completely overhauled systems that had ceased to function efficiently, properly or as intended. Major reforms to Medicaid, property insurance, unemployment compensation, the state’s pension system and a number of tort/legal reform bills will help create jobs, decrease government spending and improve our overall economic climate,” said Barney T. Bishop III, President and CEO of AIF. “We commend these lawmakers for addressing tough issues and taking bold steps to radically alter the way our state conducts business. Beyond the measures our Champions for Business successfully passed this session, many award winners are also being recognized for the anti-business bills they were able to defeat, including the divisive immigration reform proposal that would have hurt Florida businesses. AIF and its members thank each recipient for their advocacy on behalf of the business community.”

View the 2011 award winners!!!

Established by AIF in 2003, the Champion for Business awards program was created to acknowledge the efforts of lawmakers who sponsored and defended pro-business bills, as well as those who worked behind-the-scenes on legislation critical to the prosperity of Florida businesses.

The 2011 Champion for Business awards were announced following the release of AIF’s annual Voting Records Report last week. AIF tracked more than 18,000 votes cast on 146 business-related bills and amendments. Members’ votes, which include committee and floor votes, are used to generate a percentage ranking of votes made in favor of pro-business legislation.

For more information on AIF’s 2011 Champion for Business award recipients and the 2011 Voting Records Report, visit aif.com.