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Statement By:
Jose Gonzalez, Vice-President, Governmental Affairs, Associated Industries of Florida

Regarding Petition Urging President Obama to Reconsider EPA’s Numeric Nutrient Criteria Rulemaking

October 12, 2011

“Associated Industries of Florida (AIF) stands with the thousands of Floridians who today asked President Obama to reconsider the economic ripple-effect the Environmental Protection Agency’s punitive numeric nutrient criteria regulations will have on Florida businesses and consumers.

These excessive requirements will cost billions of dollars to city and county governments, as well as the business community. Florida’s families will face an average increase of $700 in their annual water costs as a result. We cannot afford to tack on these additional costs at any point, much less during the country’s current economic turmoil. Any costs added to Florida’s businesses will certainly mean fewer available jobs in a time when Florida’s unemployment figures are still in the double digits.”