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Statement By:
Brewster Bevis, Vice-President, External Relations, Associated Industries of Florida

Regarding the Seminole Tribe of Florida’s Opposition to Destination Resorts

November 11, 2011

“Florida is facing an economic and jobs crisis. Nearly a million Floridians are out of work. Yet, the Seminole Tribe of Florida has vowed to stand in the way of job creation and deny 100,000 Floridians of the high-wage jobs with benefits that would come from the passage of destination resorts legislation.

The Seminole Tribe is benefiting from a Compact signed by former Governor Crist in 2010, which Associated Industries of Florida (AIF) opposed. That Compact has resulted in only one winner – the Seminole Tribe of Florida – and now they are desperately trying to hold onto their exclusivity over banked card games.

Our state must find new ways to create jobs. Others stand ready to bring tens of thousands of new jobs and millions of dollars in tax revenue to Florida. We must put the people of Florida first.

AIF continues its consistent and longstanding mission of creating jobs in the State of Florida. It is time to put paychecks in the hands of Floridians just waiting for a chance to get back to work.”