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Associated Industries of Florida PAC Announces Additional Senate Endorsements

July 20, 2012

TALLAHASSEE – The Associated Industries of Florida Political Action Committee (AIFPAC) today announced endorsements of the following nine additional candidates running for Florida Senate seats.

Senate District Endorsed Candidate

Dorothy Hukill (R)
David Simmons (R)
Victoria Siplin (D)
Thad Altman (R)
Denise Grimsley (R)
Tom Lee (R)
Joe Abruzzo (D)
Jeremy Ring (D)
Ellyn Bogdanoff (R)

The AIFPAC plans to release additional endorsements for Florida legislative candidates at a later date. Today’s announcement follows a June 21 release of endorsements in other state legislative races, which can be accessed at aif.com.

“AIF’s vision for the future of Florida requires leaders who are committed to fostering the business-friendly climate necessary for job growth and a return to economic prosperity. The Senate candidates endorsed today have clearly demonstrated their support for Florida’s employers and recognize the critical role business plays in the vitality of the state. We look forward to working with them in the Florida Legislature,” said Tom Feeney, Associated Industries of Florida President and CEO.