Workers' Compensation Drug Repack Bill Passes

February 28, 2012

Just moments ago, SB 668 by Senator Alan Hays, the Workers' Compensation Drug Repack bill narrowly passed the Senate Health & Human Services Budget Subcommittee of the Florida Senate.

The Subcommittee Chair, Senator Joe Negron (R-Palm City) called the bill for a vote with no debate or discussion at a time when all of the committee members were not in the room and bill failed. Fortunately, Senator Don Gaetz (R-Niceville) returned to the room and immediately worked to get the bill reconsidered. When the bill was brought up again - still with no debate or discussion - the bill passed by a vote of 4-3.

AIF extends an extraordinary amount of thanks to Senator Gaetz for his heroic leadership on this issue today. Please contact him and thank him for keeping this bill alive in the legislative process. The bill continues to travel with some amendments that are questionable, but we will continue to work with all interested parties to develop a conclusion in the best interest of Florida employers before the session closes next week.