AIF Applauds the Florida House for Passage of PIP Fraud Legislation

March 2, 2012

This afternoon, the full Florida House of Representatives took up and passed one of AIF's top legislative priorities for 2012. HB 119 Relating to Motor Vehicle Insurance by Representative Jim Boyd (R-Bradenton), this legislation provides a viable solution to Florida's Personal injury Protection (PIP) system that is currently riddled with fraud. The bill passed by a vote of 85 - 30.

“We are encouraged by the House passing PIP fraud legislation that is one step closer to ending PIP fraud and abuse,” said Jose Gonzalez, vice president of governmental affairs for the Associated Industries of Florida. “With Florida being the No. 1 state in the nation for fraudulent auto insurance claims, we are hopeful that the House and Senate will work together to pass meaningful legislation that will address the major cost drivers in the system. Our hardworking Florida businesses and consumers need relief, and they need it this Session.”

AIF urges the prompt passage of meaningful PIP reform in order to curb the rampant fraud in the system.