Unemployment Compensation Relief Legislation Proceeds to Senate Floor for Final Vote

March 5, 2012

On Monday, the Florida Senate announced that SB 1416 Relating to Unemployment Compensation by Senator Ellyn Bogdanoff (R-Ft. Lauderdale) has been removed from its final committee of reference and will be brought to the Floor for final consideration. We need YOUR help to pass this legislation by contacting members of Florida Senate and urging their support.

If passed, SB 1416 will:

  • Result in a tax rate for 2012 for minimum rate employers of only $121.60 per employee.
  • Require all employers to pay approximately $50 more per employee than they paid last year – as opposed to a $100 increase that current law would impose.
  • Lower the wage base to $8,000 rather than $8,500
  • Extend the recoupment period to 5 years rather than the current law of 3 years.
  • NOT reduce benefits to jobless workers
  • NOT require any additional borrowing from the federal government and repays the outstanding federal loans on the same schedule as current law.


Please Contact Your Local Senator and Urge Them to Vote YES on SB 1416 (With No Amendments) on the Senate Floor.