Fight for Cat Fund Reform Continues

March 6, 2012

This past weekend, Senator JD Alexander (R-Lake Wales) introduced an amendment to SB 1346 Relating to the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund which would shrink the hurricane fund from $17 billion to $15 billion, thus reducing the risk for Florida taxpayers. The amendment was adopted and the bill passed out of the Senate Budget Committee.

Now we need your help to ensure this important and necessary legislation passes this session! This good bill is an important first step to help reduce the risk of “hurricane tax” assessments on your business. Furthermore, this bill will better protect all Floridians including homeowners, renters, charities, churches and automobile policyholders who are also at risk of being affected by future “hurricane tax” assessments in the wake of the next major storm or series of storms to hit the state.

As a member of Associated Industries of Florida, we urge you to contact your elected officials today and tell them to support SB 1346!
Find your Senator and Representative here.

For more information on how the current structure of Florida's Hurricane Catastrophe Fund affects you, visit