Associated Industries of Florida Announces Health Care Effort

June 26, 2012

“Thursday’s U.S. Supreme Court ruling on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) will no doubt be historic and will finally bring closure to the months of anticipation on the fate of this sweeping federal legislation. Irrespective of the decision, the time is right for a new discussion on the future of health care in our state. Our current health care delivery system is not sustainable and we must find ways to reduce the cost of quality health care to ensure greater access to health care insurance.

Over the last three months, Associated Industries of Florida (AIF) convened the best and brightest health care thought leaders to begin creating a comprehensive vision for improving Florida’s health care delivery system. This multi-year effort will guide Floridians through the changes and financial impacts ignited by PPACA. This workgroup will focus on the broader goal of working with legislative leaders and the Governor to transform Florida’s current delivery system.

At the heart of this effort are guiding principles that address the three most important issues facing Floridians – access, quality, and affordability. Moving forward, the AIF-led workgroup will host a public event where health care stakeholders will be invited to provide input to shape this new direction.

Florida must set a new standard for how health care is delivered in our state. As the Voice of Florida Business, AIF looks forward to leading the effort to craft a more functional health care delivery system.”