Urge Washington to Approve Florida’s New Water Rules!

July 10, 2012

Floridians support clean water and have united across party lines -- with unanimous support from the state Environmental Regulation Commission -- to offer a Florida solution to create smart, tough and responsible new rules to address water quality in our state.

We need AIF members to stand up for Florida and call on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to timely approve Florida's strong new water rules in their entirety so our state can move forward and safeguard our waters.

Now that a state Administrative Law Judge has held that the state acted within its authority in adopting Florida-based rules and a federal court recently invalidated the EPA's rules for streams and rivers, it is critical that we implement these Florida-written water protections that correct costly flaws in the EPA rules that studies show could adversely impact our state's economic recovery.

To make your voice heard, please go to http://www.capwiz.com/energyfla/issues/alert/?alertid=61443541&type=ML or visit www.DontTaxFlorida.com and go the "Write to Washington" page and send a message to the EPA and The White House.

Please ACT NOW and join your fellow Floridians in supporting this effort by sending this strong message to EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson and The White House, respectfully requesting the EPA to approve the Florida rules in their entirety.