Foundation for Associated Industries of Florida (FAIF) Launches 2013 Florida Health Care Affordability Summit

November 2, 2012

Florida Health Care Affordability SummitToday, the Foundation of Associated Industries of Florida launched an online portal ( for the 2013 Health Care Affordability Summit. This Summit,
which will take place at the World Center Marriott in Orlando, Florida on January 10-11, 2013, will serve as forum for some of the most knowledgeable stakeholders in the health industry to discuss
the many challenges to Florida’s health care delivery system, as well as help establish potential health care modernization proposals that will help employers and Floridians to afford quality health care in the future.

For the last several months, AIF has convened some of the leading thinkers on health care policy to begin the process of identifying issues affecting the three most important principles of health care: Quality, Access, and Affordability. The challenges surrounding health care in Florida are incredibly complex. There are millions of uninsured Floridians and employers struggle to afford health care coverage for their employees. It is the goal of AIF, working in conjunction with our Foundation, legislative leaders, the Governor, and business leaders, to develop a three to five year health care agenda that will address the many cost drivers in the system and help modernize delivery in our state.

As we approach the January Summit, AIF will reach out to its employer members to get their input on the many health care decisions facing them today. We welcome any and all participation by our members, and we hope to see you at the Summit. For more information or if your company or association is interested in sponsoring the Summit, please contact Tamela Perdue, AIF General Counsel, at 850-224-7173 or via email at

The future of Florida’s economy and well-being depends on thoughtful policy reforms to provide affordable, accessible, and quality health care to Floridians.

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