February 21, 2013
Tallahassee, Fla. – Tom Feeney, president and CEO of Associated Industries of Florida (AIF), released the following statement regarding today's action on Medicaid expansion.
“AIF and its members have proactively approached the daunting task of health care reform for many months. We have engaged business leaders across multiple industries with health care experts in frank policy discussions and debates."
“Regardless of where any individual stood on the Affordable Health Care Act on Election Day, the dilemma facing policy leaders and businesses resolving the challenges of the future of health care policy in Florida is enormous."
“AIF will continue to encourage the Legislature to best utilize federal funding to provide coverage to more Floridians in a manner that best safeguards Florida's citizens and protects its financial health."
“As these discussions continue, AIF will continue to advocate for a thoughtful and deliberative approach to ensure that Florida's businesses do not continue to be saddled with the enormous tax bill of the uninsured that hampers economic growth and job creation.”