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Statement By:
Tom Feeney, President and CEO, Associated Industries of Florida

Regarding Passage of Numeric Nutrient Criteria Legislation (SB 1808 and HB 7115)

May 1, 2013

“Associated Industries of Florida (AIF) and the members of its Numeric Nutrient Criteria (NNC) Task Force thank Florida lawmakers for taking a historic step forward and passing landmark legislation that will finally bring resolution to the long standing debate over how to best protect our state’s water bodies from nutrient pollution.

We greatly appreciate the hard work of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection in developing a sound, science-based approach to implementing the NNC law in Florida, and to Senate President Don Gaetz (R-Niceville), House Speaker Will Weatherford (R-Wesley Chapel), Sen. Charlie Dean (R- Inverness), Rep. Matt Caldwell (R-Lehigh Acres) and Rep. Jake Raburn (R-Valrico) for their leadership on this issue.

Built on scientific data and arrived at through an unprecedented collaboration between industry, agriculture, private utilities, local governments, state government and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the water quality standards outlined in this bill will be the strongest, most robust in the nation.

As one of the state’s leading water quality advocates, AIF looks forward to continuing its work with all the stakeholders who have been involved in this process to get down to the business of restoration, pollution prevention and protection of the natural resource that is so vital to our economy.”