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Statement By:
Tom Feeney, President and CEO, Associated Industries of Florida

Regarding Hertz Corporate Headquarters Relocation to Florida

May 7, 2013

“Gov. Rick Scott continues to make good on his promise to bring more jobs to Florida. And, the policies advanced by Gov. Scott and the Florida Legislature this past session will further foster the business-friendly climate needed to draw new businesses to the Sunshine State, bringing jobs and economic growth with them.

Today’s announcement regarding the relocation of the Hertz corporate headquarters to Ft. Myers is proof that a pro-business agenda is working, and another sign that companies across the globe are increasingly turning to Florida as the place to do business.

On behalf of Associated Industries of Florida and our members, I congratulate Gov. Scott on another step forward on the path of economic prosperity. It is a time of great opportunity for the companies that already know Florida is the absolute best place in the world to do business and for those that are thinking of making the move.”